piquant |ˈpēkənt; -känt| adjective. having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor. • pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I am Safe!

Hearing from a few people through e-mail is the first I have heard of problems in Thailand. Maybe because the news is in Thai. :) I am staying in a suburb of Ayuttayah, so very far from any type of military. I am close to a Honda factory though. Thanks for thinking of me, but sleep well knowing that I am fine.

In Other News
My daily schedule is pretty basic. I get up, shower eat (yogurt, bread & jam and banana) and dress for school. We drive about 20 minutes past some of the very poor parts and park in one of four spots at school. We try to arrive by 8am, and the first period is at 8:30. Each class is one hour long with no technical passing time. The students are supposed to bow and ask permission to enter the room. Some do and it is very cute.
Noi and I teach a lesson and play some games. We see all levels on a rotating schedule. My favorite group so far is the top level elementary maybe 11 years old. Hmm isn't that how old my terrible sixth graders were. Weird!
Luch is only so good. The food is meant to taste good to poor Thai children, I have choked it down though. After school, we run some errands and then Noi teaches for two more hours. I watch TV with her kids, read or play on my computer. I am making a movie of all of my pictures to show to the Thai kids.

My Thai Family
Noi really appreciates me being here. She doesn't recieve money from anyone for my presesnce, only the help I give in her classes. As promised, I recieve three decent meals a day and a roof over my head. I have the master bedroom with a balcony and a nice fan. We have a washing machine and a place to dry the clothes that is covered from the constant rain. So far it rains mostly at night which cools things down a little.

Time for work
It is 7am and I need to get ready to go to work! It is still Tuesday night for you all!


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