piquant |ˈpēkənt; -känt| adjective. having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor. • pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.

Friday, September 29, 2006

What a full night

So he did call... after I agreed to dinner with somjet and some other English camp staff :( This is the point where I have realized it sounds like I am interested in dating this guy. Not the case, but man is it nice to talk to someone my own age who understands a decent portion of what I say.

So conflict aside, I had a great night Thursday. Somjet and Nui picked me up for dinner at the museum restaurant. That is not the real name of the place, but it looks like a museum, and I couldn't say the real name anyways. We also picked up Kath (my Manchester savior) and Chris from America! We had a lovely dinner by the river, wich is in a state of flooding. I guess it was many feet higher than normal. It may flood pretty bad in Ayutthaya by Wednesday of next week. Ok so river aside, I had a great dinner, a bit of beer and there were fireworks across the river. It was beautiful.

As we finished up, i decided to try Pom. He was waiting for his friend Rosalind to finish teaching at AUA (One of the A's stands for American, but no Americans work there!) another English school in town. I was dropped off at AUA and instantly took to Rosalind. She has been here for a few years, and didn't wince at my multitude of questions. She even taught me to write my name in Thai. Now I have two friends!

They ate Vietnamese food, while I sampled as I had just had a great dinner. They did get some more Singha (sing) beer into my system with a slight bit of peer pressure. It was good fun, but I think Ros and I talked to fast for Pom to understand everything. He claimed he didn't mind. The Thai's hate conflict :0) I have worked my way into their weekly Tursday night on the town. It was good to get out of the house!

Kath has invited me to stay with her in Ayutthaya for a few days next week. She is already on break from school, so we will go sight seeing. Wish me luck as I try to drive a motorbike. I promise to wear a helmet and stay on the left side of the road.


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