piquant |ˈpēkənt; -känt| adjective. having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor. • pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So the flood hasn't kept me off of the internet. The blogger service has not been working well lately. I have created the same posting many times, and it never works. I hope this one will. Just in case, it will be a bit short and without pictures. :0(

As I was signing in, I felt a tickle on my toes. It was the water finally making its way into the house. Today is supposed to be the worst of it, so all in all the flood isn't too terrible. I am actually living in the flooded area by choice. I could be snug in Wang Noi, but how boring! School is out until November, so I am spending time with my freinds in Ayutthaya.

This evening I baked a cake standing in ankle deep water in the kitchen. It ddin't cook well, but it was fun to bake. The oven is a step above a toaster oven, so I didn't have high expecataions anyway. Thai houses are mostly concrete, so we have kept the water out fairly well. Others are not so fourtunate as their houses are on lower ground. Some are 6-8 feet deep in the water.

To go into towan, we hire a small row boat to take us up the road to higher ground. It costs about $2. The water is only a few feet deep, so this evening, the "driver" got out and pushed instead of rowing. Few have evacuated. Just like the coup, the Thai aren't too nervous about the flood.

The bed I will sleep in is a few feet higher than the house with the internet. I will be dry and safe for my slumber. If all goes well, I will even have a hot shower before I head to town for the day tomorrow.

I will post more with pictures by Friday morning my time. I left my laptop in Wang Noi where it is dry. The lap top holds all the best shots so far.


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