piquant |ˈpēkənt; -känt| adjective. having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor. • pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Trains in Thailand... ( a review)

This week I took a train to Chaingmai...

My first experience of riding a train in Thailand receives a mixed review. As for comfort, it was quite nice. I was in a first class sleeper car. I had AC and didn't freeze. The noise was minimal, as were the bumps. The toilet was scary. I could see the track below as I squatted on the Thai toliet. Scary.

So now for the complaints. My train was more than an hour late for its arrival in Ayutthaya. So I actually didn't board until Monday at 1 AM! Not a huge deal, I could sleep the night away.

I awoke to a Thai man peering gently uner my curtain to wake me. He let me know that the train had stopped because of an accident north of us. We woul be moving by 11am. I figured he was joking as it was only 8:30. Turns out he was serious. I later learned that two trains collided. 70 people were injured. 500 trains were delayed. It made the Thai news, so I made sure to text to all of my friends in Thailan so they didn't worry. Pom called himself to make sure I was ok. What a sweetie.

So I finally left the stopping point around 2 pm. It was still another 9 hours to Chaing Mai. So my night sleeper turned into a day sleeper. Still very comfortable. So now the question is do I buy a train ticket home, or is the bus a bettter bet???


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